Welll today was the day the kittens are scheduled to get spayed. Dusty gave us a nice little exercise today. She's so silly. I knew she would be difficult to get into the carrier, but I didn't know we'd be chasing her between the kitchen and the living room 15 times before we caught her.
We had to move the fridge, the dryer/washing machine, and 2 curio cabinets so we could catch her when she was ready to run to the other side of the house. Hubby and I are a little nervous that she might run to some hiding spot at the vet clinic, but no phone call yet, so they must have handled her okay!
The dog and the other cat are wondering where their sisters are, too. Snowball, of course let us know this morning that she went without food overnight!
I miss them already though :(. At least it's only about 10 more hours until I see them.
Anyway, not much else has changed in my world. I'm getting busier with Etsy lately, and that's awesome! ;) I am getting ready to make a whole bunch of birthday cards and some gift sets to put up on there too. I am hoping that Christmas will be super busy for me on Etsy! :)
I think I might make chocolate chip cookies tonight. I am also making lasagna for dinner tonight. I've had a taste for it for quite a while now!
That's about it for now.
2 years ago
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